My sweet littles

My sweet littles

Cy and Lila

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Welcome to Photoshop!!!

I ordered Photoshop Elements a few days ago, and absolutely LOVE IT!  Now that I see how beautiful it makes my pictures, I can't believe that it took me so long to become a convert.  I know that I have much to learn, but am so excited about the results of my new photo editor so far!  I'm fighting the urge to re-edit all of our photos, but here are a few recent favorites that have been newly edited.
I wasn't crazy about this picture of Cy and Lila when I first took it, but after editing it, I love it so much!  It captures so perfectly their personalities...a silly smirk from Cy & some sassy sweetness from Lila Grace!