Cute "Racer" Cake at the Ackerly Shower
Big Bellies!
L to R: Kami- 26 weeks, Hollie- 33 weeks, Davida- 32 weeks
Gorgeous canvas that our very talented friend, Lisa painted for Cy's nursery. Thanks, Lisa!!!
South Plains Hostesses
L to R: Kagney, Robin, Lacy, Beki, Me, Danielle, Lisa, Kaci & Lori
Cy's welcoming committee...aka my family!
L to R: Mamaw Joe, Mamaw Patsy, Mom, Me, Gramsy, Becky & Cassie
Racer Canvas for Cy's room...Thanks, Gramsy!
This is not an optical illusion!
Belly shot at 34 weeks...do I really have 5 weeks to go?!?
I have to be a proud aunt and show off Ellie-who made a brief appearance.
And the youngest shower attendee...Daelyn Brooke who is 3 days old and was discharged from the hospital the morning of my shower. Sarah, you are a super woman!
Here are a few more pics of our sweet, Ellie. She's now 2 weeks old and weighing in at a whopping 5 lbs 11 oz!