My sweet littles

My sweet littles

Cy and Lila

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Cutie Patootie...

I took some adorable pictures of Cy in his bouncy seat this afternoon...& feel compelled to share! What a cutie!!!!

...and Cy & Ellie with their proud Pop!

Weekend with Mimi...

Mimi came to visit this weekend & to help out while Travis is in Georgia attending a dental implant course. Cy loved all the time he got to spend with her and mommy loved getting some extra sleep after feedings while Mimi changed his diaper and got him back to sleep! It's so nice having a wonderful grandmother who "doubles" as a nurse practitioner & can help answer all the "first time mommy" questions that I have. We also got to spend some quality time with Joey- it was fun to watch Cy & Joey interact...quite entertaining & often hilarious! Here are some pictures of Cy & Mimi and with Joey.

Cy- 4 weeks, Joey- 1 1/2 weeks

Sweet little grin

...and of me with my "new mommy do".

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

1 month old!!!

How can our sweet baby boy be one month old?!? The past 4 weeks since his birth have been the most amazing, exhausting & memorable days of my life! Cy is a wonderful baby....a hungry little guy lately (eating about every 2 hrs pretty consistently), but none the less a sweet baby! I truly cherish our special time together during feedings- even our rendezvous @ 3 am. because I know that he will pass through this stage all too quickly. I'm just trying to enjoy every single moment with our son- he is truly a gift from God and answer to so many prayers. What an incredible blessing to get to be a mommy!!!

I'm including some pictures from Cy & Ellie's first photo shoot together (a gift for their Gran for her birthday). Ellie is now 10 weeks old! I'll also add some updated pics of miss Joey who is quite a sweetheart & doing great.

Cassie & Ellie

Ellie- 9 weeks / Cy- 3 weeks

Joey Madison- 1 week old

Joey & Daddy

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Joey Madison Zant has arrived!!!

We are thrilled to announce the arrival of our sweet niece, Joey Madison Zant. She was born to my brother, Cal & sister-in-law, Davida on Monday, June 15th. Joey weighed 7 lbs 2 oz and was 21 inches long. She is absolutely beautiful & both mom and baby are doing great! Cy was so excited to meet his newest cousin...what fun it will be to watch them grow up together!

Gramps, Cal & Joey

Mimi is "Doubly Blessed"

Cy & Joey- only 2 1/2 weeks apart!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Cy's Newborn Photo Shoot

My very talented friend, Kristi, who I've known all of my life, came by to take some newborn photos of Cy. She did a fantastic job & captured some moments with our son that I know we will cherish! The days and weeks following Cy's birth are flying by...wish they would slow down a bit- I'm trying to savor every second. Thanks Kristi, for helping us celebrate our sweet additions arrival! If anyone is interested in having professional pictures taken...check out Kristi's website at

Cy had his 2 week visit with Dr. Guetersloh today (Tuesday)...he's now soared past his birth weight at 6 lbs 15.5 oz & was so very brave for his 2nd newborn/"heel prick" screening! I'm so proud of him!

Here's his stats:

Weight: 6 lbs 15.5 oz- 25%

Head circumference: 13.8 inches- 25%

Length: 20.5 inches- 75%!!!! Hopefully he'll take after his daddy in the heigth department!

Friday, June 5, 2009

One week old!

We can hardly believe that our sweet boy is one week old!!! What an amazing and exhausting week it has been! Cy weighed 6 lbs 6 oz at his last pediatric appt, is eating like a pro (about every 3 hours), has mastered his "excretory functions" and has even gotten his mama a time or two during diaper changes! Travis surprised us with a new SLR camera to celebrate Cy's birth- so we've had fun practicing on our handsome little subject.

Tummy time...

Handsome like Daddy!

Cy's first attempts at whistling...

Special Delivery