Lila Grace flew past the 15 month mark a couple weeks ago & hasn't broken stride yet! She is learning and SAYING so much these baby is no longer a baby!
Lila's 15 Month Stats:
Height: 29.5" (40%)
Weight: 20 lb 13 oz (25%)
Head: 18" (60%)
As for milestones, our little smarty is checking them off at a blistering pace. Here are a few mentionables:
~Lila has become quite chatty. Her vocabulary now consists of about 50 words!!! She spouts out a new one or two on a daily basis. Here are a few of her most recent words: Ellie, light, bright, banana, book, water, hat, hand, bath, bar (cereal bar), bunny, Honey (her lovey), Pete (Cy's lovey), shoes, shirt, ear, hair, mail, out, No maam, oatmeal, blanket, baby, bible, bed, mine, duck, bear, more, bubbles & brother.
~She loves dogs, but hasn't said "dog" yet. Instead, she pants like a dog. If she want to watch the Baby Einstein video with a dog on the cover, she goes to the media center and pants like a's so cute! She also loves the Number Nursery video which features a tiger on the cover, so she will roar when she's in the mood to learn about numbers.
~Animal sounds Lila Grace makes regularly include: elephant, lion, dog (pant), cat, bird, duck, sheep, cow, horse, bee & monkey.
~She can sign "More" & "Please".
~Lila can be a bit impatient and often stomps her feet (not like a temper tantrum, but because she's so excited), or claps her hands while she waits to get whatever she's asked for.
~Our child LOVES M&Ms...both our children actually. I'm sure that's pretty common, but I'm fairly certain that Cy and Lila love them more than most! Lila asks for M&Ms by moving her tongue from one side of her lips to another while making the "mmmmm" sound. It's hilarious!
~She loves books! Her current favorites include the Peekaboo flap books, "Bedtime Safari", and Jelly Cat's "If I were a Bunny" & "If I Were a Hippo".
~She has learned that asking for "milk" when I put her down for a nap, gets a pretty quick reaction from mom & is a great way to stall before bedtime.
~She is a big fan of accessories...hats, sunglasses, purses, bracelets, etc.
~Lila Grace can throw a ball, walk backwards, turn the pages of books, scribble with a crayon, dance to music, run, and put her finger to her mouth & say "ssshhh". She has also become quite the climber.
~She still sucks her thumb, but it's limited to naptime/bedtime, or whenever she is holding her "Honey" (lovey).
~She has officially dropped her morning nap. Her afternoon nap usually begins around 12:30 and lasts 2-2 1/2 hours. Bedtime each night is at 7.
~Lila now has a grand total of 12 teeth!!! Her two lower molars actually came through the gum today :(
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