We attended the 1st Annual Classic Car Rally & Parade on August 10th (also our 11th anniversary!), and I have to say it was so much fun!!! The kids kept cool with flavor ice, we enjoyed brisket, sausage wraps, music, & homemade ice cream. Not to mention the fabulous company of a community of people that is so very dear to my heart! Cy even got to ride my Papaw's restored Farm-All tractor with Gramps in the parade...which he thought was so very cool! Looking forward to next year's rally.
Here comes the parade...
Mustang Football Team
Randy, Verna, Tanner & my Mamaw Patsy
Kelly driving Papaw's restored Ford pick-up
...and Bruce
I love this shot!
Cy & Gramps on the Farm-All
Cy thanking Papaw for letting him ride his tractor in the parade.
Lila Grace with her Gramps...so sweet!

Gramps and Hattie