Welcome to my very favorite time of the year...& this year, I'm pregnant to boot!!! So Fun!!! I love, Love, LOVE the holidays! This year, Travis & I are doing something a bit different for Thanksgiving. We (he rather) has planned a fabulous trip to South Texas for a bit of fishing and relaxing with some of our dear friends from Houston. We decided that this may be the last holiday that the grandparents will allow us to miss a family function once the baby comes & Travis is even further justifying his need for some coast fishing by saying that this just might be "his last opportunity for this kind of trip" before we become parents. In any case, come Wednesday we are off to sunny Matagorda.
Baby Epperson has now grown to the size of a lime...they grow up so fast! (He, he!) Next week we will get to hear the baby's heartbeat (God-willing) & see him or her in our 2nd sonogram. I have to admit that I have become extremely envious of my sweet sister-in-law. She is 4 weeks ahead of me and gets to find out the sex of their little one in a few short weeks. I, on the other hand, won't find out until January. Travis reminded me that it's probably good for me to be forced to work on my patience and take a backseat to someone else every once in awhile....I'm sure he's right! I'm very excited to report that we have purchased the rest of the baby's nursery furniture. We ordered a beautiful dresser w/ a gally rail for a changing pad & chest of drawers from KidSpace last week. YEAH! I just love them! We have a white Stephanie Anne crib that we bought from a family in Dallas & a black denim glider that one of my very generous patients gave to us- so I chose a black dresser & chest of drawers...hoping for a shabby chic look. Both of the bedding sets that I've picked out (boy & girl) have some black in the fabric so I think everything will come together nicely.
Next post, I'll have some new pics of our nugget & hopefully my first belly shot @ 12 weeks! Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving~
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