We made it through Cy's 15 month well check & vaccines this morning. Cy exhibited quite a bit of stranger anxiety (which Dr. Guetersloh assured me is completely normal at his age & explains why he's been so very attached to momma, as of late) and cried through most of the exam...which actually made getting the shots a little less traumatic. He received the Hep B, MMR & Chicken Pox vaccines today...some big ones! Dr. Guetersloh also spotted two new upper canines, a lower right molar, and several more teeth that are just beneath the gum tissue!
Here are his 15 month stats:
Weight: 24 lbs. 6 oz (50%)
Height: 31.5 inches (60%)
Head Circumference: 18.5 inches (60%)
All in all, Cy is a very healthy, proportionate little guy! I scheduled his next 18 month well check combined with Lila's 1 week appt the first week of December!!!
Friday, August 27, 2010
15 Month Stats...
Posted by Hollie at 8:34 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 23, 2010
15 Months...
Our handsome boy will be 15 months old on Friday!!! Cy Wesley is such a joy, has a sweet, sweet spirit, desires to please, is quite a mellow little guy, and his Momma & Papa couldn't love him more! Here are a few pictures of our happy fella and the 15 month milestones that he's tackling at present.
~Loves animals. Cy can roar like a lion, pant like a dog, meow, and on occasion, moo. His favorite game is to point to animals on his flashcards or in books and have mom make their sound.
~"Momma" is the only recognizable word in his vocabulary right now, but he babbles constantly and throws out lots of "da, da, das". Unfortunately for Trav, "Papa" will take him a bit longer to tackle.
~Can point to his head, ears and nose when prompted.
~Loves to dance, and clap for himself.
~Is all boy...his favorite toys are trucks, buses, balls, & tractors, and he loves being outside.
~Cy is such a social guy. He has never met a stranger and plays well with other kiddos. He is so very loving toward his cousins, Ellie and Joey. Let's hope he has a similar relationship with little sister, Lila. The past two Sunday mornings, he's started crying when I have left him in Bible Class, but his teachers say that it only lasts a minute or two and then he's great.
~We are continuing to work on our table manners. Our battle is no longer throwing food from the high chair, but rather controlling the volume of his little voice while eating. He uses a fork often with meals.
~LOVES to read!!! He will go pick out a book and bring it back to me to read when asked. And he enjoys grabbing my finger and leading me to his reading nook where we proceed to read book after book. We consistently read 20-30 books on a daily basis & always read 2-3 books prior to naps and bedtime.
~Is a pleaser. It breaks his heart, when he gets in trouble. And rarely do I have to remind him more than once that something is "not for Cy". We do have our share of "teachable moments" in which I'm using the tactics from "Shepherding A Child's Heart" by Ted Tripp and "Don't Make Me Count to Three" by Ginger Plowman. Two fabulous resources for Christian parents! We use the phrases, "Momma obeys God, and Cy obeys Momma", as well as, "Honey, Momma told you ____________, and you did not obey Momma. Momma loves you too much to allow you to disobey." many times a day.
~Favorite foods include: chicken, green beans, yogurt, bananas, strawberries, blueberries, turkey wienies, bean burritos, quesadillas, scrambled eggs, mashed potatoes, mac-n-cheese, whole grain waffles, wheat toast with jelly and grilled cheese sandwiches. We are working on adding more veggies to the menu.
~Has recently transitioned to Size 4 Diapers
~Still taking 2 naps a day- around 10 am and 2 pm (1-1.5 hrs each). Bedtime is between 7:30 & 8:00 pm & wakes at 7:00-7:30 am.
~Cy's molars have still not come in. The gum tissue around them has been swollen and sore for several months now.
~We've decided to borrow a crib from a friend for Cy to use once Lila arrives, which makes Momma very happy. I was becoming a bit anxious about moving him to a big boy bed before he was ready.
~Has started climbing, reaching for objects on tabletops, and tip toeing to open drawers just beyond his reach.
~Has become interested in scribbling on paper.
~Is a big fan of Elmo, Baby Einstein & Barney.
Cy is scheduled for his 15 month well check and vaccinations on Friday, so I'll post his current stats then.
Posted by Hollie at 7:59 AM 1 comments
Friday, August 13, 2010
Busy Momma Recipe: My Favorite Brownies
Alright, busy mommas...if you are a fan of yummy, gooey, fudgy brownies with icing, these brownies are calling your name! This recipe is DANGEROUS...in fact, so dangerous that I rarely bake them myself for fear that I will not be able to withstand the temptation to eat the entire pan in one setting. I do savor every bite, however, when my mother-in-law makes them ;)
My Favorite Brownies
2 squares chocolate (or 4 Tbsp. cocoa & 2 Tbsp oil)
1 1/2 sticks butter
1 c. sugar
2 eggs
2/3 c. flour
1/2 tsp. baking powder
3/4 tsp. salt
1/2 c. pecans or walnuts
1/2 tsp. vanilla
Melt chocolate squares w/ butter. Add sugar & eggs- beat one at a time. Sift flour, baking powder & salt. Add nuts to flour mixture, if desired. Add vanilla. Bake @ 350 degrees for 25-30 min.
1/2 stick butter
2 Tbsp. cocoa
1/2 tsp. salt
box powdered sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
hot coffee
Melt first 3 ingredients then add slightly more than half a box of powdered sugar. Add vanilla & enough hot coffee to get desired consistency.
Posted by Hollie at 7:17 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Hello, my name is Hollie and I am addicted to monogramming!!! (Pause for reaction) Seriously, I can't think of anything cuter than personalized blankets, burp cloths, infant car seat covers, hooded towels, wall letters...the list goes on & on. I'm sure on some level it makes the fact that our sweet Lila will be making her arrival in a few short months much more realistic, or maybe I just like to see her name decorating adorable baby neccesities. In any case, here are a few beautifully designed and monogrammed burp cloths and a blanket created by my sweet friends at The Giggling Goose. Thanks Debbie, Cindy & Kendra...I love, Love, LOVE them!
Posted by Hollie at 6:49 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Beach Baby!
We just returned from enjoying 5 wonderful days in San Diego with Travis' family. Last week was full of firsts for Cy...his first plane ride, first vacation, and first time at the beach. He did great! The weather in San Diego was fabulous...highs in the low 70's, cloudy a few days, then sunny for our last two days at the beach. We enjoyed fantastic seafood, visited the local aquarium, bummed out on the beach, lunched at the marina, shopped at the Seaport Village and relaxed as much as possible. A fun little side note: Travis and I enjoyed our first vacation together with his family in sunny San Diego, when we began dating 11 years ago!!! Here are several pictures of our California fun.
Sunset Cliffs
Newport Pier- the longest pier in California
Seaport Village
First Day at the Beach...
Birch Aquarium
Cy & Ellie checking out the fountain...
Ole! Casa Guadalajara
Enjoying some great seafood at Anthony's Fish Grotto.
Poor Baby! Cy felt rotten our last day at the beach, but was a trooper and hung out with the family anyway.
Posted by Hollie at 12:00 PM 0 comments