Both kiddos were scheduled for check-ups by Dr. Guetersloh this morning. (Thanks, Mimi for coming to town to help out during their appt!) At one week old, Lila is back to her birth weight (5 lbs, 15 oz)...woohoo! She is such a good baby- content to eat (every 3-4 hours) & sleep these days, and only cries when it's time for a snack. She's had a bit of jaundice and has had the pleasure of spending several minutes every day snoozing in the sun.
Cy Wesley is 18 months old & has adjusted beautifully to his baby sister. It melts this momma's heart to hear him say "La-La" and give her kisses. He is talking up a storm...most of which is in English ;) His growing vocabulary now includes: socks, bird, truck, boat, "bop" (Pop), Buzz (Lightyear, of course), "em-a-em" (M&M), baby & "La-La" for Lila. Cy has also added "Thank You" to his list of signs. He has become a full-fledged Toy Story enthusiast...which is a life saver when Lila is nursing. 18 month milestones that he's currently tackling include:
~Loves to be chased
~Walking up stairs with one hand held
~Walking backwards (Cy thinks this is hilarious)
~CLIMBING unto couch, hearth, coffee table, the list goes on and on.
~Imitates sounds of cars, trucks & dinosaurs in play
~Recognizes when toys are "broken" & asks Mom to fix them
~Loves to say 'Uh-Oh!"
~Tries to repeat what we say
Here are his 18 month stats:
Height: 33.2" (85%)
Weight: 26 lbs 4 oz (55%)
Head Circumference: 19" (75%)
Thank you, Lord for our healthy babies!!!
Our family of 4!
How to Pose with a Flower Bouquet for...
1 week ago
What a precious family!
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