Lately, I've had several people inquire about "what I do all day" while being a stay-at-home mom. And even though the question never fails to bring a smile to my face (if you only knew!), I thought that some of you may actually like to know what exactly does occupy my time during the course of a day. So here you go...a typical day at the Epperson home, in a nutshell.
6-7 am:
Lila's first feeding
Play time for Lila & Momma
Coffee for me!!!
Get Breakfast ready for Cy
8-8:30 am:
Cy wakes up
Breakfast (Cy usually eats his oatmeal in the recliner while watching cartoons...special treat!)
Put Lila down for nap
Make Beds
Start Laundry
10 am:
Lila's feeding
Change out of our jammies
11-11:30 am-
Cy's lunch
Put Lila down for nap
12 noon:
Cy's nap (normally 2-2 1/2 hours)
Mom eats lunch (if I can get to it!)
Quiet time- read Bible, blog, fb, check email
Clean up kitchen
Pick up toys
Clean bathrooms (yes, a quick clean up every day)
Sweep (yes, with 2 dogs & 2 children...EVERY DAY!)
Vacuum (about every other day)
Some prep for dinner
1 pm:
Lila's feeding
Girls' playtime
2-2:30 pm:
Cy wakes from nap
Play/ Go to Park/ Outing/ Run Errands/ Swimming in the Summer (We try to get out of the house, if the weather is nice :)
Put Lila down for nap
4 pm:
Lila's feeding
Pick up Toys
Make Dinner
Put Lila down for nap
6 pm:
Travis home
6:30 pm:
Cy's bath
Put on PJ's
Pick up Toys
7:00 pm:
Lila's feeding
Cy's playtime with Papa
7:30-8 pm:
Read 3 books to Cy (yes, only 3 before bed...he uses this as a stall tactic!)
Cy's bedtime
8-8:30 pm:
Lila's bath
Lila's playtime with Papa
Clean up bathroom
Lila's bedtime
9 pm:
Clean up Kitchen
9:30-10 pm:
Dream Feed for Lila
Some time with Travis
11 pm: BED...on a good night!
So this is a normal day for this full-time mommy of two sweet angels under 2! Throw in many, MANY diaper changes, play dates, cleaning house, church functions, occasional night wakings, sickness, doctor's visits, grocery shopping, etc...and it's easy to see that things get really busy around here. Even though I am completely exhausted at the end of each day, I wouldn't trade it for the world and am so very thankful that I have the opportunity & privilege to stay home & raise our brood!
How to Pose with a Flower Bouquet for...
1 week ago
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