Lila Grace reached the 3/4 mark through her first year of life a couple weeks ago & she's checking off milestones at a feverish pace! Here are her current stats and a few recent additions to her bag of tricks.
Weight: 18 lbs 3 oz (50%)
Height: 27.6" (70%)!!!
Head Circumference: 17.4" (75%)...she's growing a big noggin' to match the rest of her family :)
~Pulls up on everything!
~Cruising around furniture
~Can stand by herself for 10-20 seconds at a time. Lila can also play with/shake a toy while she's standing.
~Crawling through openings in furniture, under chairs, etc. She's quite the little explorer!
~Waves & says "bye-bye"
~Shakes her head "no"
~Has started eating some table food- soft cheese, yogurt, banana, & lunch meat
~Has perfected her "pincher grasp"- picking up food with her thumb & forefinger
~Pushes her Radio Flyer Wagon
~Has 3 teeth...lower centrals & lower left lateral.
~LOVES her "Honey Bunny" lovey!!! When you hand it to her, she pulls it in close with her left hand & her right thumb immediately goes into her cute!
~Her favorite toys at present are her Laugh & Learn Table, Little Tykes piano, Sophie Giraffe, & her baby dolls. Most the time she follows her big brother around and plays with whatever is nearby.
~Wearing Size 3 Cruisers, 9 month clothes, & size 2.5 shoes
~Takes 2 naps, each lasting about 1 1/2 hrs. Her am nap starts around 9:30 & usually ends at 11. Her pm snooze is from 1-2:30 or 3.
~Lila Grace wakes between 7:30 & 8 am.
~Our sweet girl is not a snuggler at bedtime. Any attempt to rock or bounce her until she's drowsy, she views as extra play time. Our bedtime routine consists of bath, reading a book or two, putting her in her sleep sack, handing her "Honey" her lovey, and laying her down for some zzzzz's. If she ever wakes up during the night (which is a rare occasion, unless she's teething), she does, however, like to lay her head on my shoulder and be bounced or rocked.
~Getting the hang of drinking from a sippy cup.
~Lila loves peek-a-boo & pat-a-cake
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